Tuesday, April 5, 2011

-5 (Negative Five): a poem by Chelsey Minnis

-5 for debating
-5 for misuse of the tractor
-5 for altering the chore list
-5 for pinecone throwing
-5 for misplacing shoes and other personal property...
-5 for delaying, kicking dirt, separating, tossing thermos off lookout rest-point, non-listening...
-5 for cracking twigs
-5 for excessive yawning
-5 for loud whistling, touching people's hats without permission, putting Jared's comb into the fire, misuse of the grill tongs, burning, failing to comply with cleanliness of common area, spilling trash...
-5 for improper conduct while fishing...
-5 for euphoria, obstruction of doorways, fire hazard...
-5 for "misplacing" trail map
-5 for scattering birds, meaningless interjections during staff meeting, lingering and/or petting the guide dogs...
-5 for delayed objections
-5 for exaggerated enthusiasm about trail walk
-5 for tracking mud, solitariness, obsession with fishing lures, reluctance, inability to initiate social interaction, furtiveness, secrecy, paleness...
-5 for loud humming during rest hour, loud buzzing or humming sound, destructive theorizing, misuse of and/or staring out of windows...
-5 for refusal to read information packets, emotional recklessness, bad sportsmanship, lateness...
-5 for improper storage of personal food, repudiation, defacement, refusal to return group mascot, lack of effort at horseshoes, hoarding the first aid kit, contradictions, negligence, spitting...
-5 for misuse of the fly swatter...

from 'Bad Bad' 2007

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